Friday, December 11, 2015

Circle Letter 12/04/15

Dear Families,
            Welcome back after our Thanksgiving Holiday It sure was nice to see the kids again after our long break. And we have had a great week together… busy doing a variety of different things… persuading, non-fiction reading, multiplication, and beginning our annual  “holiday door decorating”. J  We also started the week with an unexpected surprise.  Our Kittery Rotary Club came to Mitchell and presented a dictionary to each and every third grade student, with the hopes it will help promote a life long love of words and learning.  They come home today…!
            Our introduction to persuasive writing has taken on a community twist.  You will hear all about it in a “speech” your child has written.  Please find time over the weekend to listen and mull the idea over.  We thank you in advance for your support!   And in reading we have moved into a nonfiction genre study.  In addition to picking great informative books on a variety of topics (animals, space, Titanic, Roman Life…!)  we will also be having conversation about growing our minds and perceptions. 
                        Our classroom door, along with many doors here at Mitchell, will begin being decked out in winter creativity, as part of a Mitchell School Spirit activity.  There is nothing to report out as of yet, but again stay tuned by next week we should have a clear vision of our theme.
                        The Report Card and Portfolio will be coming home soon and so we are taking time to be reflective learners as “evidence” is put into the portfolio.  And on Thursday I completed the fall formal reading assessment. This allows for an extended amount of one on one uninterrupted reading time together.  I really appreciate and enjoy this opportunity. It’s a great class we have!

            And Ollie’s dad is coming in today for our first “Awesome Parent Job” presentation.  Be sure to learn more about it from your kiddo