Friday, September 19, 2014

Circle Letter 09/19/14

September 19, 2014

Dear Families,
    What a great Open House turn out… thank you to so many for coming in to see the classroom and check out how we spend our days. I really enjoy meeting the family members of my students and look forward to working together with you all this year.
    School news update: We used the laptops during computer time, and logged onto the EveryDay Math on-line games.  The students are becoming proficient at doing this, and I encourage you to give it a try at home with the password you received at Open House.  Two games I might suggest are Number Grid Difference and Target Number. They both tie directly into our Unit 1 work. Please let me know if you ever need another copy of your password.
       Our reader’s workshop is really coming along nicely.  We begin with a shared read aloud, which at the moment is a book called Poppy by Avi.  From the reading we engage in lively and interesting book talk… about our thinking and wonderings, our connections and predictions.  Afterwards, the kids cozy up with their own books and read for an extended amount of time.  There is a quiet and calm that takes over the room, as kids get absorbed in their books.
    I hope things on the homework front are settling in and you can make sense of the weekly assignment sheet. Don’t hesitate to send an e.mail if you ever need clarification.  The nightly reading slips are being filled in with great book choices.  I hand it out on Fridays in case your kiddo is reading over the weekend. Thanks for the home support with all the homework.  

Lastly, we want to welcome Angelina to our class!  We are thrilled to have her join us.  Our class has welcomed her with a wonderful openness!