Friday, December 19, 2014

Circle Letter 12/19/14

December 19, 2014

Dear Families,
Wow… some of the kids and I were commenting what a fast this has been!  It is such a busy time of year and we are pulled in so many different directions but in the classroom we tried to maintain a sense of normalcy with our daily agenda and work this week.  And I think the students should pat themselves on the shoulder for a job well done!
I see lots of portfolios being returned as the week unfolds.  I hope you found it informative and interesting to look at.   We will put a sampling of our weather studies in it soon… and we move on to the study of the human body!
         I believe all students at this point are typing their persuasive writings.  Although being able to type fluently is not a third grade expectation our students are getting real and authentic practice.  Also it has them re-look at their writing and do one last edit or revision.  Lastly, I feel as though it teaches paragraphing well.   Students will support one another and say “Oh, I just finished my introduction… where are you?”  “I am on my first reason paragraph…”
As you know by now, the third grade will take part in a Winter Solstice celebration in the morning of Tuesday 12/23, rotating to different classrooms.  Also our class will have a small holiday celebration that afternoon, 12/23, in our classroom with a classroom supply gift exchange. Lastly, we would love to have some holiday fruit or homemade treats to offer the kids for that Tuesday afternoon. Interested??!  Please send in a note or an e.mail in any way you might be able to help! And as always, thank you for your support!  Wishing you a happy Holiday time with family and friends!
Volunteers and/or Contributions

*Grade 3-winter solstice celebration 12/23, 8:45 – 10:30
Volunteers needed

Donations needed:
bag of birdseed needed
sandwich baggies

*Holiday Party 12/23
Fruit (Clementine’s)
homemade holiday treats contributions.   (Peanut free)
Holiday small plates

*Small classroom supply gift,
wrapped, that the class can use in the New Year.
See Circle Letter for suggestions.
Gift exchange on 12/23.

Please send an e.mail or a note if interested in

 helping in anyway

Friday, December 12, 2014

Circle Letter 12/12/14

December 12, 2014

Dear Families,
Another great and varied week together…our class has worked well on a variety of projects that are going on, as well as made a cloud in a bottle, and explored the water cycle and water run-off.  Be sure to get the scoop from your kiddo.
The whole third grade will take part in a Winter Solstice celebration in the morning of Tuesday 12/23, rotating to different classrooms. Please be on the look out for the notice with different ways you might consider helping. We are in need of some supplies and helping hands.
Also our class we will have a small holiday celebration that afternoon, 12/23, in our classroom.  We are asking for each student to bring in a small classroom “supply gift”, for the kids to use in the classroom in 2015.  Items like Sharpie markers, dry erase markers, art supplies (especially water colors) glue sticks, glitter, pencils, erasers, soft tissues, paper towels, books, cards, stickers, music CD, a read aloud coupon from a parent, big snack bag to share etc… Please wrap the gift, as we do a pass-a-long game for an unknown person to open. Lastly, we would love to have some holiday fruit or homemade treats to offer to the kids for that Tuesday afternoon. Interested??!  Please send in a note or an e.mail in any way you might be able to help with any one of these events.  And as always, thank you for your support!
            And at long last…  the Report Card that has been placed in the portfolio, is coming home today. We hope you find the portfolio informative and interesting. Lots of “evidence” of learning, thinking, working, and creating.
Enjoy the weekend…

Ms. Lantz’s Class
Upcoming Holiday Events
Volunteers and/or Contributions

*Grade 3-winter solstice celebration 12/23, 8:45 – 10:30
Volunteers needed

Donations needed:
bag of birdseed needed
sandwich baggies

*Holiday Party 12/23
Fruit (Clementine’s)
homemade holiday treats contributions.   (Peanut free)
Holiday small plates

*Small classroom supply gift,
wrapped, that the class can use in the New Year.
See Circle Letter for suggestions.
Gift exchange on 12/23.

Please send an e.mail or a note if interested in

 helping in anyway

Friday, December 5, 2014

Circle letter 12/5/2014

December 5, 2014

Dear Families,
    Welcome back after our Thanksgiving Break.  It sure was nice to see the kids again after our long break. And we have had a great week together… busy doing a variety of different things… persuading, non –fiction reading, multiplication ,, division and door decorating J
    Our persuasive writing has taken on a new a twist.  Writers are “rolling up their sleeves”  with an opinion of theirs that  they feel strongly about (maybe even passionate about!)  and developing it using solid reasoning and life examples.  Students are being asked to elaborate and write long and hard.  We will continue with writing and drafting next week.
    Our character unit study in reading is complete and now we move into a non-fiction genre study.  In addition to picking great informative books on a variety of topics (animals, space, Titanic, Roman Life…!)  we are also having conversation about text features typically found in non-fiction books.  With this in mind I would like to do an in -class  “reading project” designing a cereal box (or similar sized box)  with interesting facts and graphics.   If you could save an empty box (or two) and have your kiddo bring it in that would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance for the help.
    We continue with our weather study and this week we tackled the difficult concepts of evaporation and condensation… or liquid water changing to water vapor… and water vapor changing back to liquid.  We got to do some interesting investigations with these phase changes. .  Get the scoop from your kiddo.

    Our classroom door, along with many doors here at Mitchell,  is being decked out in winter creativity as part of a Mitchell School fun spirit activity.  When you are in the building come by and check out the work in progress. And lastly the  Report Card and portolio finally go home next Friday.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Circle Letter 11/21/14

November 21, 2014

    Dear Families,
    We will finish our read aloud Matilda today!  An outlandishly crazy book with strong characters both likeable and not!  It has been fun “stepping into the shoes” of Matilda, Ms. Honey or Mrs. Trunchbull.  All in all we are quite glad we don’t have her for our principal (big fans of Mr. Foster!)  and we do wish Matilda went to our school J
    In math we have focused on the fact families with multiplication and observed that knowing your multiplication helps with division facts.  We continue to do games and activities to help learn the facts.  It would be great if your kiddo would practice multiplication facts and/or play multiplication games on the computer over Thanksgiving.  Remember the Everyday Math on-line games.  There are some good one. And also the Math Reflex site that came home last week.
    Writing this week has us thinking about all sorts of ideas, opinions and reasons to help persuade.  I look forward to reading the students Finish –It responses… should schools assign homework? We will continue persuasive writing after the Thanksgiving Break.
    We continue our weather unit and have done some investigations this week with water, fans, sunlight and clotheslines.  Today we got the opportunity to design, craft and build model windmills, as an enrichment project.  Anytime students get a hands-on creative project to do… fun is bound to be had!  Be sure to get the scoop from your child!
    And lastly, we are sad to say goodbye to Caden and will miss her.  Of course we wish her well with her move!  Happy Travels Caden J
    And… Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  I hope the food will be delicious and plentiful with good company to share it with.  Enjoy the time away from homework, red folders and lunch boxes! 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Circle Letter 11/14/14

November 14, 2014

    Dear Families,
         Early in the week we shared our “small moment” writing with Ms. Peternell’s class.  An important part of the writing process is to share with an “audience” and it has been a lot of fun.  The listeners comment on strong leads, endings, and strong details, make connections… and certainly offer lots of compliments!  Each student will bring home his/her personal narrative today to share with you.  Enjoy!  If you could please bring the narratives back to school, on Monday, we will put them into the student portfolio.  We are now working on persuasive writing…! Forming opinions, crafting a thesis statement and giving reasons why we hold this opinion. Wow!
            We have had an interesting week weather wise.  Our focus has been on the atmosphere and what goes on 4 miles up, 8 miles up, 12 miles up and so forth.   We discovered that most weather happens just a few miles up.  Also, we have investigated with water in the air using humidity strips. (lots of fun!)  In fact, your child can show you when they bring home a humidity strip today.  Lastly, the kids have figured out the “mystery object” that we have been taking measurement readings from… curious?  Ask your budding meteorologist more about it.
            Our multiplication unit has begun as you have seen from the home links.  We will introduce easy, fun games to play that help with fact recall.  Please make the time to play them at home as well. Also, information on Reflex Math came home yesterday, along with your child’s password.  This is a useful resource to practice addition and multiplication facts.  Check it out!
            Lastly, I am in need of some “behind-the-scene” help cutting and gluing student poetry books.  If you have a few hours to spare and like this sort of activity please send word!  Thank you for considering this in advance!   
            Tonight at 7 pm the Court Jesters play a basketball game at Traip Academy… this is a great fundraiser for our Kittery Rec Department and it is guaranteed good time fun for the whole family if you are looking to get out! 
            Lastly, our annual Food Drive has begun.  Food items can be brought to the front office all next week.  Thank you for your support.

            Enjoy the weekend~

Friday, November 7, 2014

Circle Letter 11/7/14

November 7, 2014

    Dear Families,
         We started the week with some voting ourselves and a little discussion about the voting process.  Our vote was a bit more playful… Oreos vs. chocolate chip cookies vs. orange slices.  I was surprised orange slices did as well as it did.  Get the scoop from your kiddo about the voting results!
We have just begun our new writing unit, Opinion and Persuasive Essay writing.  We will practice forming opinions about topics and issues we strongly believe in and develop sound reasons to defend our ideas.  We tried persuading Mr. Foster with an idea of ours as a warm up exercise.  Stay tuned with the results…    This type of writing will be a nice progression from our narrative writing.  And speaking of the personal narratives… we will team up with Ms. Peternell’s class on Monday to have a writers’ celebration and share and then the stories will come home for you to enjoy!
Our unit 3 Measurement focus in math has been engaging with opportunities to work in small groups and measure, work with geoboards or pattern blocks.  Our students have done a fine job.  Today we will take the end of the unit test.  Our next unit is the first of three multiplication units.  So soon we will add multiplication fact practice to the addition fact practice…  any way you can help out, especially with cards games to make fact practice more fun, will make a difference in the long run.
Today we are meeting our new music teacher for the first time.  We look forward to the year ahead together with plenty of song and rhythm. 

       Lastly, we will “kick off” Veteran’s Day with a recognition assembly Monday morning. It is a great opportunity to see how many Mitchell students come from military families. Lots and lots…!  We have really enjoyed the photos of military family members.   Impressive!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Circle Letter 10/24/14

October 24, 2014

Dear Families,
         Wow what a crazy and wet weather week it has been!  Curiously enough, we also have just started our Weather Unit for Theme work.
         In our math class we have been reviewing and practicing three digit addition and subtraction methods.  If you noticed your kiddo struggling on math home links, I suggest you make up a few math problems to practice for the next several days.  (ex: 654 – 499)  It will benefit them in the long run.  We have moved on to Unit 3, which focuses on linear measurement.  Good idea to have a ruler available with both inch and centimeter for upcoming math homework.  Another thing to practice could be measuring things to the nearest ½ in.  Thanks for the support.
         Our class is knee deep in the writing process. All students are drafting their second personal narrative.  They are developing leads, working with “showing not telling” and adding dialogue. In addition they have been sharing and getting feedback from their writing partners. Well done to our student writers.
         During our computer time on Thursday students were introduced to Type to Learn, which is an interactive typing program to help kids practice key boarding skills. Our character study in reading is now underway and we have the pleasure of reading Matilda by Roald Dahl together for our class character book study.  This author sure does entertain! J

         Our first round of conferences begins next week.  Please find your reminder slip if we are to meet next week.  And lastly, next Friday morning we are having our grade level Fall Festival. Thank you in advance for supporting this event by volunteering or contributing a small pumpkin or two.  Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Circle Letter 10/17/14

October 17, 2014
               Dear Families,
Wow… two 4-day weeks back to back make the school days all the more busy trying squeeze it all in. This week in math we have focused on three digit addition and subtraction, with regrouping.  These are just plain hard concepts until they become mastered.  Thank you for the continued home support with checking math homework and understanding.
          We have just finished our first read aloud book, Poppy.  The conclusion was loaded with action and cleverly solved the problem.   Get the scoop from your child.  Read aloud offers great opportunity for whole class book discussions, predictions, wonderings, questioning ideas or character motives… all great skills that can be transferred to students’ own reading and books.  Monday we will begin our Character Unit Study.  I’d like to set up a few small book groups during this unit, where the readers read alone but discuss their books’ characters together.  If you are interested and can commit to 4 -5 Thursdays in a row at 1:30… please reach out!  Sophie’s Dad is already on board which is wonderful. Thanks in advance for considering this…
     Our Earth and Geography study is on its last bend withvour focus on map skills.  We have been looking at and designing maps in class and now each student is asked to do the same at home. The maps should be brought in on Monday. And we hope you like the enclosed Earth Simile poem!                                    Written and typed by your child!
     Lastly, our first round of parent/teacher conferences is coming up.  I’ll send home a reminder of your time.  We only have 15 minutes to talk so please come on time with your questions, observations and concerns.  Looking forward to it…                   In the meantime, enjoy the weekend

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Circle Letter 10/01/2014

October 2, 2014

Dear Families,
        It has been a wonderful beginning to October and a fast week for us here at school.   We have had an interesting week of Earth and Geography Study.  This week, while we continue our continent research, we have also included a study of land formations.   A most interesting one we have come across is an “isthmus”… mostly because we like having it roll off our tongues.  Not sure what an isthmus is? … ask your kiddo!   We also will begin making the base for our Earth globes and are getting ready to paper mache next week.  We would love parent volunteers for this (messy!) activity.  Interested…?  Please send in a note!
    In Math we have moved on to Unit 2.  This unit builds upon addition and subtraction fact knowledge taught in second grade.  Being able to recall the basic facts correctly and quickly will serve each student well.  You could help at home with playing card games involving adding numbers.  The EveryDay Math site has some fun one as well. 
    We continue to build and talk about good reading habits during our Reading Workshop time.   Lots of thought into choosing books that interest us as readers, good discussion about why readers might abandon a book, and the importance of reading wide awake and alert.  Our read aloud, Poppy, continues to offer great opportunity to talk and share our thinking about the plot, character motives, problems and possible solutions.  The book talks continue to be lively and interesting. 
            Lastly, next week is Fire Prevention Week.  Our class will walk down to the fire station on Thursday afternoon for review of fire safety and to check out the fire trucks. Also just a reminder that next Friday is a Staff Development Day (no school for kids) and Monday is holiday! 

Enjoy the weekend~

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Circle Letter 09/25/14

September 25, 2014

Dear Families,
    Our daily morning writing workshop has really taken off.  This is a class that likes to write and story tell.  In this first unit of writing the focus is writing true small moment stories. or Personal Narratives. This week we have been practicing using dialogue, as well as zooming in and adding important but perhaps small details.
    We have begun our thematic geography study of the Earth… last week we were reviewing the names and locations of oceans and continents.  This week each student is working in a small group researching a specific continent.  We are using a variety of sources including atlases and student-links on the laptop.  Groups are researching cool things! Get the scoop from your kiddo…  Also the fabulous Earth Care Posters have been coming in all week.  We will hang them outside our classroom and showcase them for all of Mitchell School to view.
        Be on the lookout each week (Mondays) for a new list of Spelling Words. The words are taken from the previous Friday Review. It is up to each student to practice mastering the spelling using the Word Work Menu for ideas.  If a student has no spelling words to practice that week content related Vocabulary Words will come home.   Parents please help out with quizzing them on the words and/or doing creative word games.  It makes a big difference.
       This week has been Maine Harvest Week for our lunch program.  Our class helped out on Monday husking locally grown corn, and the Weathervane is visiting today sharing locally harvested seafood with the 3rd graders.  Also our class did morning announcements all week…! FunJ

       We are in need of old newspaper for  paper mache globes that the students will be making.  If you have some to share we’d appreciate it!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Circle Letter 09/19/14

September 19, 2014

Dear Families,
    What a great Open House turn out… thank you to so many for coming in to see the classroom and check out how we spend our days. I really enjoy meeting the family members of my students and look forward to working together with you all this year.
    School news update: We used the laptops during computer time, and logged onto the EveryDay Math on-line games.  The students are becoming proficient at doing this, and I encourage you to give it a try at home with the password you received at Open House.  Two games I might suggest are Number Grid Difference and Target Number. They both tie directly into our Unit 1 work. Please let me know if you ever need another copy of your password.
       Our reader’s workshop is really coming along nicely.  We begin with a shared read aloud, which at the moment is a book called Poppy by Avi.  From the reading we engage in lively and interesting book talk… about our thinking and wonderings, our connections and predictions.  Afterwards, the kids cozy up with their own books and read for an extended amount of time.  There is a quiet and calm that takes over the room, as kids get absorbed in their books.
    I hope things on the homework front are settling in and you can make sense of the weekly assignment sheet. Don’t hesitate to send an e.mail if you ever need clarification.  The nightly reading slips are being filled in with great book choices.  I hand it out on Fridays in case your kiddo is reading over the weekend. Thanks for the home support with all the homework.  

Lastly, we want to welcome Angelina to our class!  We are thrilled to have her join us.  Our class has welcomed her with a wonderful openness!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Circle Letter 09/12/14

September 12, 2014

Dear Families,
    Our second week together has been great.  Most students are doing well with the new routines, remembering red folder and completing the weekly homework assignments. Also we are getting to know everybody through shared group work. We start our mornings in circle with a handshake greeting and everyone is getting comfortable with student names. This is important in fostering a supportive, caring classroom climate.
    A class project we are finishing is “Hopes and Dreams” for Third Grade. You will get a chance to see them at Open House, next Wednesday.  Please plan on coming to check out our classroom, our classmates  and get a feel of how the day is spent together.
Our Helping Hands” job-board has been colorfully designed, thanks to the help of  Mrs.Voll, who is working in our room  some this year.  We are lucky to have her with us.  Check in with your student to see what job they had this week.
    Book Orders are coming home today in the home/school folder.  If you choose to order books please return the slips and money (one check made out to Scholastic is preferred) by next Wednesday.  In advance of a year of book ordering together, I want to thank you for participating in this program. It allows us to order new classroom books for the students with each order… and good books helps to foster good reading!

    And lastly, don’t forget about the PTA sponsored four-mile road race Sunday 9/21 at Fort Foster.   Race time starts at 8:30.  It is a great fundraiser for our fantastic PTA. The $ they earn is directly spent on opportunities for Mitchell School Kids! I plan to run in it…. Care to join me?