Friday, December 19, 2014

Circle Letter 12/19/14

December 19, 2014

Dear Families,
Wow… some of the kids and I were commenting what a fast this has been!  It is such a busy time of year and we are pulled in so many different directions but in the classroom we tried to maintain a sense of normalcy with our daily agenda and work this week.  And I think the students should pat themselves on the shoulder for a job well done!
I see lots of portfolios being returned as the week unfolds.  I hope you found it informative and interesting to look at.   We will put a sampling of our weather studies in it soon… and we move on to the study of the human body!
         I believe all students at this point are typing their persuasive writings.  Although being able to type fluently is not a third grade expectation our students are getting real and authentic practice.  Also it has them re-look at their writing and do one last edit or revision.  Lastly, I feel as though it teaches paragraphing well.   Students will support one another and say “Oh, I just finished my introduction… where are you?”  “I am on my first reason paragraph…”
As you know by now, the third grade will take part in a Winter Solstice celebration in the morning of Tuesday 12/23, rotating to different classrooms.  Also our class will have a small holiday celebration that afternoon, 12/23, in our classroom with a classroom supply gift exchange. Lastly, we would love to have some holiday fruit or homemade treats to offer the kids for that Tuesday afternoon. Interested??!  Please send in a note or an e.mail in any way you might be able to help! And as always, thank you for your support!  Wishing you a happy Holiday time with family and friends!
Volunteers and/or Contributions

*Grade 3-winter solstice celebration 12/23, 8:45 – 10:30
Volunteers needed

Donations needed:
bag of birdseed needed
sandwich baggies

*Holiday Party 12/23
Fruit (Clementine’s)
homemade holiday treats contributions.   (Peanut free)
Holiday small plates

*Small classroom supply gift,
wrapped, that the class can use in the New Year.
See Circle Letter for suggestions.
Gift exchange on 12/23.

Please send an e.mail or a note if interested in

 helping in anyway