Thursday, September 25, 2014

Circle Letter 09/25/14

September 25, 2014

Dear Families,
    Our daily morning writing workshop has really taken off.  This is a class that likes to write and story tell.  In this first unit of writing the focus is writing true small moment stories. or Personal Narratives. This week we have been practicing using dialogue, as well as zooming in and adding important but perhaps small details.
    We have begun our thematic geography study of the Earth… last week we were reviewing the names and locations of oceans and continents.  This week each student is working in a small group researching a specific continent.  We are using a variety of sources including atlases and student-links on the laptop.  Groups are researching cool things! Get the scoop from your kiddo…  Also the fabulous Earth Care Posters have been coming in all week.  We will hang them outside our classroom and showcase them for all of Mitchell School to view.
        Be on the lookout each week (Mondays) for a new list of Spelling Words. The words are taken from the previous Friday Review. It is up to each student to practice mastering the spelling using the Word Work Menu for ideas.  If a student has no spelling words to practice that week content related Vocabulary Words will come home.   Parents please help out with quizzing them on the words and/or doing creative word games.  It makes a big difference.
       This week has been Maine Harvest Week for our lunch program.  Our class helped out on Monday husking locally grown corn, and the Weathervane is visiting today sharing locally harvested seafood with the 3rd graders.  Also our class did morning announcements all week…! FunJ

       We are in need of old newspaper for  paper mache globes that the students will be making.  If you have some to share we’d appreciate it!