Dear Families,
We now call our three ring binders (brought in on the start of school) the Portfolio. It is a place to showcase a variety of
work samples from all of our units of studies. We have begun putting work into our portfolios for we have
“wrapped up” our Earth and Geography studies and are moving on to the study of
the Human Body.
we introduce this investigative unit we start with thinking about systems
in general and the individual parts that interact together
to help the system function for a specific purpose. We had
fun looking at a variety of “systems” … (mostly from my kitchen drawers…!) to
demonstrate this point. Be sure to
inquire further with your student.
are at an exciting place with our personal narrative “small
moment’ writing. The class is mostly done with one draft, having
gone through many steps of the writing process. We will now put that draft to the side and begin an entirely
new narrative using all the many things we learned along the way. It might be helpful to have your child
practice their “story telling” with you. You could help them with when to add
flare and emotion at just the right moments.
first round of conferences began this week and it has been a
pleasure to sit and connect with many of you about your child. Although it makes for a long workday, I
find it so meaningful and enjoyable to talk together. Next Tuesday we will
resume conferencing. And please
note, next Friday, October 30th, we are having our grade level Fall
Festival. Thank you in advance for supporting this event by
volunteering or contributing an item or two on sign-up genius. The event will be from 8:30 – 10:30. IT
promises to be a nice break from the regular routine of things!