Friday, December 19, 2014

Circle Letter 12/19/14

December 19, 2014

Dear Families,
Wow… some of the kids and I were commenting what a fast this has been!  It is such a busy time of year and we are pulled in so many different directions but in the classroom we tried to maintain a sense of normalcy with our daily agenda and work this week.  And I think the students should pat themselves on the shoulder for a job well done!
I see lots of portfolios being returned as the week unfolds.  I hope you found it informative and interesting to look at.   We will put a sampling of our weather studies in it soon… and we move on to the study of the human body!
         I believe all students at this point are typing their persuasive writings.  Although being able to type fluently is not a third grade expectation our students are getting real and authentic practice.  Also it has them re-look at their writing and do one last edit or revision.  Lastly, I feel as though it teaches paragraphing well.   Students will support one another and say “Oh, I just finished my introduction… where are you?”  “I am on my first reason paragraph…”
As you know by now, the third grade will take part in a Winter Solstice celebration in the morning of Tuesday 12/23, rotating to different classrooms.  Also our class will have a small holiday celebration that afternoon, 12/23, in our classroom with a classroom supply gift exchange. Lastly, we would love to have some holiday fruit or homemade treats to offer the kids for that Tuesday afternoon. Interested??!  Please send in a note or an e.mail in any way you might be able to help! And as always, thank you for your support!  Wishing you a happy Holiday time with family and friends!
Volunteers and/or Contributions

*Grade 3-winter solstice celebration 12/23, 8:45 – 10:30
Volunteers needed

Donations needed:
bag of birdseed needed
sandwich baggies

*Holiday Party 12/23
Fruit (Clementine’s)
homemade holiday treats contributions.   (Peanut free)
Holiday small plates

*Small classroom supply gift,
wrapped, that the class can use in the New Year.
See Circle Letter for suggestions.
Gift exchange on 12/23.

Please send an e.mail or a note if interested in

 helping in anyway

Friday, December 12, 2014

Circle Letter 12/12/14

December 12, 2014

Dear Families,
Another great and varied week together…our class has worked well on a variety of projects that are going on, as well as made a cloud in a bottle, and explored the water cycle and water run-off.  Be sure to get the scoop from your kiddo.
The whole third grade will take part in a Winter Solstice celebration in the morning of Tuesday 12/23, rotating to different classrooms. Please be on the look out for the notice with different ways you might consider helping. We are in need of some supplies and helping hands.
Also our class we will have a small holiday celebration that afternoon, 12/23, in our classroom.  We are asking for each student to bring in a small classroom “supply gift”, for the kids to use in the classroom in 2015.  Items like Sharpie markers, dry erase markers, art supplies (especially water colors) glue sticks, glitter, pencils, erasers, soft tissues, paper towels, books, cards, stickers, music CD, a read aloud coupon from a parent, big snack bag to share etc… Please wrap the gift, as we do a pass-a-long game for an unknown person to open. Lastly, we would love to have some holiday fruit or homemade treats to offer to the kids for that Tuesday afternoon. Interested??!  Please send in a note or an e.mail in any way you might be able to help with any one of these events.  And as always, thank you for your support!
            And at long last…  the Report Card that has been placed in the portfolio, is coming home today. We hope you find the portfolio informative and interesting. Lots of “evidence” of learning, thinking, working, and creating.
Enjoy the weekend…

Ms. Lantz’s Class
Upcoming Holiday Events
Volunteers and/or Contributions

*Grade 3-winter solstice celebration 12/23, 8:45 – 10:30
Volunteers needed

Donations needed:
bag of birdseed needed
sandwich baggies

*Holiday Party 12/23
Fruit (Clementine’s)
homemade holiday treats contributions.   (Peanut free)
Holiday small plates

*Small classroom supply gift,
wrapped, that the class can use in the New Year.
See Circle Letter for suggestions.
Gift exchange on 12/23.

Please send an e.mail or a note if interested in

 helping in anyway

Friday, December 5, 2014

Circle letter 12/5/2014

December 5, 2014

Dear Families,
    Welcome back after our Thanksgiving Break.  It sure was nice to see the kids again after our long break. And we have had a great week together… busy doing a variety of different things… persuading, non –fiction reading, multiplication ,, division and door decorating J
    Our persuasive writing has taken on a new a twist.  Writers are “rolling up their sleeves”  with an opinion of theirs that  they feel strongly about (maybe even passionate about!)  and developing it using solid reasoning and life examples.  Students are being asked to elaborate and write long and hard.  We will continue with writing and drafting next week.
    Our character unit study in reading is complete and now we move into a non-fiction genre study.  In addition to picking great informative books on a variety of topics (animals, space, Titanic, Roman Life…!)  we are also having conversation about text features typically found in non-fiction books.  With this in mind I would like to do an in -class  “reading project” designing a cereal box (or similar sized box)  with interesting facts and graphics.   If you could save an empty box (or two) and have your kiddo bring it in that would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance for the help.
    We continue with our weather study and this week we tackled the difficult concepts of evaporation and condensation… or liquid water changing to water vapor… and water vapor changing back to liquid.  We got to do some interesting investigations with these phase changes. .  Get the scoop from your kiddo.

    Our classroom door, along with many doors here at Mitchell,  is being decked out in winter creativity as part of a Mitchell School fun spirit activity.  When you are in the building come by and check out the work in progress. And lastly the  Report Card and portolio finally go home next Friday.