Friday, March 27, 2015

Circle Letter 03/26/15

March 26, 2015
Dear Families,
          A big round of applause goes out to our information writers!  Most everyone has finished their books… and they are being shared here in the classroom before they make their way home. Wow, the finished products are fabulous and creative, interesting… and of course informative.   In computer lab we tried out making “wordles” relating to our books.  Don’t know what a wordle is…?  Ask your kiddo!
         Conferences have officially started this week.  In preparation, during class time, we have been organizing and placing work evidence and work samples into the portfolio.  The portfolio will come home at conference time, along with the report card for your viewing.  Just as a reminder, the portfolio is intended to showcase work samples and give life and meaning to the report card.  We sure hope you enjoy looking through it with your child. 
         In math we have moved on to unit 8… Fractions.   This is the perfect unit to follow the multiplication/division unit 7.  There is a strong overlap with division when working with fractions or dividing parts of a whole into fractional parts.  Need-less-to-say, continued multiplication/division fact practice is a good idea. 
         In our thematic studies we are officially beginning our unit on Native Americans.  This will focus on different regions, different tribes and their cultures before European settlers came to America.

         Lastly, this week we have been watching a Bald Eagle live streaming of two fledglings that are being cared for and fed by their mother Eagle.  The site link is on the Mitchell School home page for those that would like to view it with their kids.  It is totally fascinating!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Circle Letter 03/13/15

March 13, 2015
Dear Families,
         Happy Friday the 13th!  Sure hope you enjoyed the African drumming and dance last night.  Thank you to so many for coming!  It was a great turn out.  I am sure that you have heard a lot about the experience over the course of the week.  Boy, has it been wonderful.  Namory and Liz, our drumming and dance teachers, couldn’t be lovelier.  They have been patient and encouraging, informative and interesting as we learn new rhythms and dance moves.  And believe us… it is harder than it looks! In addition we have been learning some interesting things about Guinea, Africa.  Be sure to get the scoop from your kiddo.
                  We also had a special treat on Wednesday morning with a performance from the Shapleigh Jazz Band.  They were fantastic!  Lots of different instruments, beats, melodies and rhythms.  It is such fun for the teachers to see former Mitchell School students playing for us.  Who knows… maybe in a few years your child will be playing for us too.   It is a great opportunity!
         And of course, none of this could be possible without our wonderful PTA who funds The Arts Fair Week.  A big shout out to them.  One way we can show our appreciation is to contribute an item or two for the grade 3 basket “Grilling is a Ball.”  It will get raffled off at the Kittery Live Talent Show in April.
         Our Spring Conferences are quickly approaching.  Thank you for returning the conference slip. I’ll make a “master schedule” and finalize times.

It has been a really wonderful and varied week together.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Circle Letter 03/06/15

March 5, 2015

Dear Families,
         What a great day for us here at Mitchell School! With a Bowl-O-Rama field trip in the morning all is good! Be sure to get the details from your kiddo.  Thank you to our wonderful chaperones that joined us this morning.  You were fabulous score keepers and sideline coaches.  J
         And more good stuff is in store for next week!  Mitchell School’s 25th annual Arts Fair, funded by our awesome PTA, is next week.  This year our third graders will have the opportunity to try “African Drumming and Dance” and prepare a live performance for you on Thursday Night, March 12th  at 6:30 and again for the school on Friday. It sounds wonderful and promises to be a great experience for all our students.
         A couple of housekeeping matters for the students participating in the residency. 1. Students should wear loose, comfortable fitting clothing and sneakers everyday next week. 2. For our performances we are asking the students to display the colors of Guinea. We want the students to dress colorfully in either a BRIGHT, RED GREEN OR YELLOW shirt. Please contact Mr. Foster directly if you need assistance with a shirt.
       Lastly, our annual Kittery Live Talent Show is underway.  Performers are getting ready and so is the PTA.  Each year the third grade is asked to donate items for a grade 3 raffle basket.  Our theme this year is Grilling is a Ball.  If you could please contribute an item or two to fit the “theme” it would be greatly appreciated.  Our PTA counts on us for support!

            A really wonderful and varied week together.